Already a pioneering company dedicated to serving the plumbing, heating, cooling, and electrical needs of its valued clientele; Crisafulli Bros. found its growing Mechanical Contracting services needed to be segmented into its own company. Crisafulli Mechanical’s brand identity had to embody the strength, industrial prowess, and unyielding commitment to service the Crisafulli name comes with. Exclusively serving the commercial sector, the brand exudes a captivating boldness that mirrors Crisafulli Mechanical's unwavering dedication to excellence.
The design of the Crisafulli Mechanical logo seamlessly encapsulates the company's essence by fusing elements of machinery and motion, symbolizing the seamless integration of their multifaceted services into a dimensional monogram. The intricate interplay of geometric shapes reflects the intricate nature of their work, while the powerful color palette harmonizes with their industrious undertakings. The brand stands as a testament to Crisafulli's proficiency, encapsulating its capacity to steer the currents of innovation within the commercial mechanical landscape.
Designed with applications in mind, the responsive branding is flexible to suit any need that may arise. From signage, apparel, vehicle clings, and everything in between, the brand leaves a striking impression across all applications.